About the MOTM

Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams), full dose (3+ grams)
intuitively - as needed

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
30 & 35
what are your childrens' ages?
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
Yes. 1 miscarriage (6 wks in 2013) 1 stillbirth (41+6 June 2023) Lost my baby girl during labor and had to deliver her stillborn.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
I know everything and nothing at the same time

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams), full dose (3+ grams)
how long did you dose for?
throughout the year, still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
.1g, .15g, .2g, .25g, .3g, .5g, 1g
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
capsules, teas
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
microdosing institute - every other day
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
after i gave birth


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
As a conduit to reconnecting with myself during post partum with my first child.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
To continue healing and connecting to my pregnancy and baby on a deeper level
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?
Presence, positive energy, connectedness

After Birth & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
I started working with the medicine in 2021 when I was 2 years postpartum which helped me heal alcoholism, smoking, emotional binge eating, emotional shopping and more. I continued to use the medicine throughout my following pregnancy and definitely afterwards to recover through the trauma and loss of my daughter but also to bring a state of acceptance to my soul around her loss.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I pumped for 7 weeks after my baby was stillborn. If I hadn’t have had the medicine I wouldn’t have survived her birth let alone pumping for 7 weeks.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
Presence, patience, slowness, playfulness, childlike play and wonder
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
Triggers from the medicine trying to work through things coming up
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
Uses his imagination so much more


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
Lose the stigma’s. Give yourself and baby a chance to step outside of society and back into culture, creation and ceremony.
would you recommend this path to other people?
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About the MOTM

Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams), full dose (3+ grams)
intuitively - as needed
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams), full dose (3+ grams)
throughout the year, still dosing
.1g, .15g, .2g, .25g, .3g, .5g, 1g
capsules, teas
intuitively -- as needed
microdosing institute - every other day
after i gave birth

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
30 & 35
what are your childrens' ages?
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
Yes. 1 miscarriage (6 wks in 2013) 1 stillbirth (41+6 June 2023) Lost my baby girl during labor and had to deliver her stillborn.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
I know everything and nothing at the same time

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams), full dose (3+ grams)
how long did you dose for?
throughout the year, still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
.1g, .15g, .2g, .25g, .3g, .5g, 1g
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
capsules, teas
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
microdosing institute - every other day
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
after i gave birth


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
As a conduit to reconnecting with myself during post partum with my first child.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
To continue healing and connecting to my pregnancy and baby on a deeper level
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?
Presence, positive energy, connectedness

Postpartum & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
I started working with the medicine in 2021 when I was 2 years postpartum which helped me heal alcoholism, smoking, emotional binge eating, emotional shopping and more. I continued to use the medicine throughout my following pregnancy and definitely afterwards to recover through the trauma and loss of my daughter but also to bring a state of acceptance to my soul around her loss.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I pumped for 7 weeks after my baby was stillborn. If I hadn’t have had the medicine I wouldn’t have survived her birth let alone pumping for 7 weeks.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
Presence, patience, slowness, playfulness, childlike play and wonder
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
Triggers from the medicine trying to work through things coming up
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
Uses his imagination so much more


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
Lose the stigma’s. Give yourself and baby a chance to step outside of society and back into culture, creation and ceremony.
would you recommend this path to other people?
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