About the MOTM

BC Canada
Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram)
intuitively - as needed

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
what are your childrens' ages?
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
I practice holistic contraception involving fertility awareness and plant support if needing to release an unwanted pregnancy. I have had three pregnancies confirmed by tests, perhaps more unconfirmed. One lead to the birth of my daughter. One I tried to stop with medication. This lead to an incomplete abortion and eventually a near fatal hemorrhage. Another I stopped with plants.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
I was not able to comfortably go on large doses while with her father. Once I changed my life and moved on, I started dating someone else I truly felt safe with. With him I have had some incredible journeys at low macro doses (1g approximately) with absolutely stunning visuals that reflect my love and trust in him. I'm now off pharmaceutical meds and feeling good.

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram)
how long did you dose for?
still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
I take my tincture almost daily. Technically I dose intuitively but I use it most days. I typically use less than .1 g and it is mixed with lions mane.
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
before i became pregnant


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
I started for fun as a young person, and eventually started making a tincture to assist with my mental health. I take 10 to 100 mg a day with the tincture and used to to replace an SSRI that did not work for me, during a time when I deeply needed mental health support.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
I was advised to continue my mental health meds during pregnancy in order to keep myself stable. I found pregnancy enjoyable but was in a difficult relationship with my daughters father. I cut back on most of my pharmaceuticals, taking the lowest possible doses to still have good impacts, researching if staying on them was safe for baby. I kept using my tincture as per usual because I trusted it was safe given the long lineage of indigenous folks who have used mushrooms during pregnancy.
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?
I was very happy during pregnancy. I had a challenging birth and I think microdosing helped me process it.

After Birth & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
To keep my mental health stable and because I feel it was safe. I was also taking a fairly low dose all things considered.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
Many people have told me my baby is quite smart and well adjusted. She is very engaged with the world around her and always has been since birth. She is a good sleeper and always has been. I don't know if these qualities are a result of microdosing but I don't see any negative impacts as a result and tremendous positive impacts for me. I've always wondered if my daughter's old soul qualities come from, at least partially, from microdosing. Microdosing has completely changed my life and helped me become less reactive and more happy. I'm no longer trapped in my trauma.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I didn't have an challenges personally. I've listed benefits above.


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
I'm able to be present and loving with my daughter and show up for what is unfolding in the here and now. Her father ended up cheating on me and becoming quiet unstable and I was able to move into single parenthood, and court and uprooting my life to move to a more supportive community - with alot of grace and patience. Mushrooms help me keep stable. They help me connect to her awe and wonder and also stay rooted in my own needs.
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
None as far as I could tell
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
My daughter is funny, smart, loving and curious. She is able to be friends and social with many people. She is brave. She adjusts well to change.


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
If you are curious about microdosing I highly recommend it! I believe it is safe and I encourage you to trust your intuition. Powerful things can happen even with low doses
would you recommend this path to other people?
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About the MOTM

BC Canada
Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram)
intuitively - as needed
microdose (.1 - 1 gram)
still dosing
intuitively -- as needed
I take my tincture almost daily. Technically I dose intuitively but I use it most days. I typically use less than .1 g and it is mixed with lions mane.
before i became pregnant

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
what are your childrens' ages?
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
I practice holistic contraception involving fertility awareness and plant support if needing to release an unwanted pregnancy. I have had three pregnancies confirmed by tests, perhaps more unconfirmed. One lead to the birth of my daughter. One I tried to stop with medication. This lead to an incomplete abortion and eventually a near fatal hemorrhage. Another I stopped with plants.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
I was not able to comfortably go on large doses while with her father. Once I changed my life and moved on, I started dating someone else I truly felt safe with. With him I have had some incredible journeys at low macro doses (1g approximately) with absolutely stunning visuals that reflect my love and trust in him. I'm now off pharmaceutical meds and feeling good.

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram)
how long did you dose for?
still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
I take my tincture almost daily. Technically I dose intuitively but I use it most days. I typically use less than .1 g and it is mixed with lions mane.
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
before i became pregnant


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
I started for fun as a young person, and eventually started making a tincture to assist with my mental health. I take 10 to 100 mg a day with the tincture and used to to replace an SSRI that did not work for me, during a time when I deeply needed mental health support.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
I was advised to continue my mental health meds during pregnancy in order to keep myself stable. I found pregnancy enjoyable but was in a difficult relationship with my daughters father. I cut back on most of my pharmaceuticals, taking the lowest possible doses to still have good impacts, researching if staying on them was safe for baby. I kept using my tincture as per usual because I trusted it was safe given the long lineage of indigenous folks who have used mushrooms during pregnancy.
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?
I was very happy during pregnancy. I had a challenging birth and I think microdosing helped me process it.

Postpartum & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
To keep my mental health stable and because I feel it was safe. I was also taking a fairly low dose all things considered.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
Many people have told me my baby is quite smart and well adjusted. She is very engaged with the world around her and always has been since birth. She is a good sleeper and always has been. I don't know if these qualities are a result of microdosing but I don't see any negative impacts as a result and tremendous positive impacts for me. I've always wondered if my daughter's old soul qualities come from, at least partially, from microdosing. Microdosing has completely changed my life and helped me become less reactive and more happy. I'm no longer trapped in my trauma.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I didn't have an challenges personally. I've listed benefits above.


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
I'm able to be present and loving with my daughter and show up for what is unfolding in the here and now. Her father ended up cheating on me and becoming quiet unstable and I was able to move into single parenthood, and court and uprooting my life to move to a more supportive community - with alot of grace and patience. Mushrooms help me keep stable. They help me connect to her awe and wonder and also stay rooted in my own needs.
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
None as far as I could tell
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
My daughter is funny, smart, loving and curious. She is able to be friends and social with many people. She is brave. She adjusts well to change.


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
If you are curious about microdosing I highly recommend it! I believe it is safe and I encourage you to trust your intuition. Powerful things can happen even with low doses
would you recommend this path to other people?
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