About the MOTM

Alberta, Canada
Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams)
intuitively - as needed

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
17, 18, 25
what are your childrens' ages?
11, 10, 3
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
I had 3 miscarriages, and 1 abortion. My miscarriages were all following immense stress and detachment. My choice for an abortion stemmed from fear, detachment, and trying to put myself in a better position in life for my other children.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
The energy boost that I get. At the end of the day I don't feel exhausted, I feel peaceful and at ease. Not something I expected.

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams)
how long did you dose for?
still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
capsules, powdered
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
I would take every couple of days as i felt i needed it
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
after i gave birth


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
After my first 2 children were older, I wanted to try mushrooms but just as I decided to try, I learned I was pregnant. I didn't know about the safety of mushrooms during pregnancy so I didn't try.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
I did not but I truly feel like mushrooms during my pregnancy would have been a beautiful experience.
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?

After Birth & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
To help my post partum depression and begin healing into the new version of myself.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I did not notice any changes to baby but I believe the mushrooms helped me embrace the motherhood journey on a deeper level.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
I am more energized, conscious, mindful, and playful/present with my children.
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
The mushrooms give us what we need, not always what we want. Some days when I am hoping for a playful energy I am instead met with a lesson or something to process/work through. Releasing emotions, journaling, and having big realizations.
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
The shift in my mindset and energy sets a more positive tone in our home. My children feel more secure in my abilities to remain cool & collected.


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
If you are truly open to using the tools around you, you will be surprised at how muchyou can grow and heal. I already used other "plant medicines" but mushrooms gave me an entirely new level of healing and working with motherhood, not against it.
would you recommend this path to other people?
Absolutely. And i have! A few of my mom friends and their husbands have started their own journeys after hearing about mine.
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About the MOTM

Alberta, Canada
Mother of:
Gender identity:
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams)
intuitively - as needed
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams)
still dosing
capsules, powdered
intuitively -- as needed
I would take every couple of days as i felt i needed it
after i gave birth

The Story

how many children do you have?
how many pregnancies have you had?
how old were you when you gave birth?
17, 18, 25
what are your childrens' ages?
11, 10, 3
did any of those end in early release? (miscarriage, still birth or abortion?) if so, can you share a little about those experience?
I had 3 miscarriages, and 1 abortion. My miscarriages were all following immense stress and detachment. My choice for an abortion stemmed from fear, detachment, and trying to put myself in a better position in life for my other children.
what surprised you about the mushroom journey?
The energy boost that I get. At the end of the day I don't feel exhausted, I feel peaceful and at ease. Not something I expected.

Protocol & Dosing

with psilocybin, what has been your dosing experience?
microdose (.1 - 1 gram), mid dose (1-3 grams)
how long did you dose for?
still dosing
if microdosing, what size would you have? (.1 - 1gram)
in what form were you ingesting the mushroom?
capsules, powdered
how often did you dose?
intuitively -- as needed
if you were on a protocol, what protocol did you follow?
I would take every couple of days as i felt i needed it
did you have any support with dosing?
when did you start ingesting mushrooms?
after i gave birth


why did you choose to ingest mushrooms before your pregnancy?
After my first 2 children were older, I wanted to try mushrooms but just as I decided to try, I learned I was pregnant. I didn't know about the safety of mushrooms during pregnancy so I didn't try.
why did you choose to ingest mushrooms during your pregnancy?
I did not but I truly feel like mushrooms during my pregnancy would have been a beautiful experience.
what benefits did you notice in your pregnancy?

Postpartum & Breastfeeding

why did you choose to ingest mushrooms after you gave birth?
To help my post partum depression and begin healing into the new version of myself.
did you ingest mushrooms while breastfeeding?
did you notice any benefits to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?
I did not notice any changes to baby but I believe the mushrooms helped me embrace the motherhood journey on a deeper level.
did you notice any challenges to a) yourself b) to your baby and what were the benefits when ingesting mushrooms while breastfeeding?


what benefits did you notice in your parenting that you attribute to the mushroom?
I am more energized, conscious, mindful, and playful/present with my children.
what were the unwanted effects or challenges of ingesting mushrooms while parenting?
The mushrooms give us what we need, not always what we want. Some days when I am hoping for a playful energy I am instead met with a lesson or something to process/work through. Releasing emotions, journaling, and having big realizations.
what benefits have you noticed about your children that you attribute to the mushroom?
The shift in my mindset and energy sets a more positive tone in our home. My children feel more secure in my abilities to remain cool & collected.


what would you like to say to other mothers & pregnant/birthing people about your own experience?
If you are truly open to using the tools around you, you will be surprised at how muchyou can grow and heal. I already used other "plant medicines" but mushrooms gave me an entirely new level of healing and working with motherhood, not against it.
would you recommend this path to other people?
Absolutely. And i have! A few of my mom friends and their husbands have started their own journeys after hearing about mine.
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