How it truly saved my life with postpartum journey
How it truly saved my life with postpartum journey
In motherhood, I was surprised at how much subtlety I was missing in my children. I c...
I was surprised at how much it helped me and baby build a good bond even through crip...
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
Nothing because I have experience with plant medicine
How much it's helped me get rid of things (I tend to hoard and have for years)
How vulnerable it has made me, and how much I've processed and opened up to myself, m...
Three things come to mind. First, is that it truly is a sub-perceptual experience an...
How deep it would take me
Microdosing surprised me most, it made me more aware of the beauty of the mushroom. U...
How truly effective just microdosing was for getting my life back into alignment afte...
That many other mothers do it and need it